evite me to an interview!


interview with Evite.com; this is what i’ve been holding out for: a portal (adjective) e-service. they’ve already partnered with the Go network and Citysearch. both of the founders are younger than me. both Stanford grads (one male, one female), they developed the backend technology and hired new buisness and marketing folks to create the brand and develop new partnerships. the company’s 7-months old and already has 25 associates. they’re moving to the city, specifically the Mission district, on Sept. 13th. the new office will hold over 70+ ppl, cause they’re looking to expand VERY quickly.

i’m going back on thursday for the second and final round to meet with the marketing and biz peeps. they should tend me an offer then (cross yer fingers!). yeah! woohoo! options, options, options! please!

their product is too unbelievable! check it out at www.evite.com; hopefully, its potential will lead it to being bought out by Yahoo! or another portal (cross yer fingers again!).

Peter Koo, FPD’s media planner, wants to start a biz with me; can’t say much but it involves ad-tracking, demographic log files, and post-campaign analysis. something similar to Leftfield’s buisness model but on a smaller scale, where information and ad-serving will be from my apt. through a DSL line. the means/medium? direct eMarketing. interesting, eh?

iVillage.com, Modem Media. more later.


Raremedium finally calls to reschedule the interview for the design technologist position; i told ’em this morning that i would be accepting a full-time position by end of week. so be it, let’s see what they have to offer at noon tomorrow, right after Leftfield.